Logistic Services

We are certified in logistics and Transport. guaranteed On-time Delivery and security of goods is promised.

Trucking Service

Get your Goods anywhere in India. We Thrive to provide goods secured, Ecomical costing and On-Time Delivery.


Store goods at our Ace Locations all over India. Protection & safe Loading / unloading is our Ultimate Goal.

Gujrat Transport Service

Gujrat Transport Service owed its humble beginning to a young entrepreneur late Mr. Haji Abdul Razak Yusuf Motorwala. He came to Bombay in 1945 nurturing a dream to build a network of Transport that would set a benchmark of excellence for others to emulate. His dedication, Perseverance, skill, honesty and keen business acumen were the ingredients which ensured success.

Reason to choose us

Guaranteed timely deliveries, most modern fleet, safe and secure door delivery at destination, all India network reasonable rates, prompt settlements of claims.

7280 K
01Delivered Packages
02Satisfied Clients
04Years Experience

Are You logistic? Join Our Team

Gujrat Transport Service is an ideal place where young professionals can spring board their careers in a quickly growing industry. Join our team today!

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    What Our Clients Say About Us


    On-Time Delivery

    We Thrive to provide the most Fastest and Safest delivery.


    Guranteed Safety

    Safety is out first Priority


    Warehouse Storage

    Excellent godown Facilities at Prime Locations, for Safe Loading / Unloading & Weatherproof.


    24 X 7 Support

    We believe in working together - to win the trust & confidence of our customers.